On Friday, October 15 (2021), Carlos Castresana-Fernandez (Public prosecutor) will present the paper Valoración del proyecto de Ley de Memoria Democrática de 20 de julio de 2021 for further discussion with attendees.
Prosecutor since 1989, Carlos Castresana Fernández has served in the Barcelona, Madrid, Anti-Drug, Anti-Corruption and Supreme Court Public Prosecutors. He is the author of the complaints that started the Pinochet case before the National High Court. First Director of the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala, with the rank of UN Under-Secretary-General.
Key info
Date: October, 15 (2021)
Hour: 12:00 h (Madrid)
Venue: room 17.2.75. Campus de Getafe (UC3M)
Workshop supported by the research project "Consolidación de la memoria democrática en España, derechos de las víctimas y obligaciones de los poderes públicos: un análisis desde el Derecho internacional, comparado e interno" (financiado por el Ministerio de la Presidencia, Relaciones con las Cortes y Memoria Democrática).
This activity is part of the R&D project "Construction of Emerging Rights: Debates for the Foundation of New Constitutional Parameters" ref. PID2019-106904RB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.
The activity has received financial support from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at Carlos III University of Madrid.
About the SPA Seminar
The Jesús G. Amuchastegui Seminar - a name that has replaced the previous Permanent Seminary Law and Justice as a small act of recognition of the aforementioned member of the Group who died in 2008 - aims to be an active space for evaluation, promotion and dissemination of research in the area of Philosophy of Law and Political Philosophy in Spain, articulating the debate with academics of international projection about their ongoing researchs and latest publications.
Anyone interested in attending and receiving information about the Seminar can join the distribution list by sending an email to derechoyjusticia@uc3m.es.
Prior to each session, a paper for discussion will be distributed to attendees.