On Thursday, February 24, 2022 (12:00, Madrid), professor Juan Pablo Alonso (University of Buenos Aires) will participate in the LXIX session of the Amuchastegui Permanent Seminar to present and discuss the paper entitled: "Implicit Legal Principles".
Key Information
In-person activity: Room 15.1.01 UC3M. Getafe
Juan Pablo Alonso is a Lawyer who graduated from the University of Buenos Aires and holds a PhD in Law from Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). He is an Associate Professor of General Theory of Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires and a postgraduate professor at this Faculty, as well as at the University of Palermo and Torcuato Di Tella University. He was the director of the DeCyT project “Implicit Legal Principles”.
This activity is part of the R&D&I project "Construction of Emerging Rights. Debates for the Establishment of New Parameters of Constitutionality" ref. PID2019-106904RB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/.
The activity has received financial support from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
About the SPA Seminar
The Jesús G. Amuchastegui Permanent Seminar - which has replaced the previous name of the Permanent Seminar on Law and Justice (SPDJ) as a small act of recognition to the group member who passed away in 2008 - aims to be an active space for the evaluation, promotion, and dissemination of research in the area of Legal Philosophy and Political Philosophy in Spain, fostering debate with internationally recognized academics about their ongoing research and latest publications.
Anyone interested in attending and receiving information about the Seminar can join the distribution list by sending an email to derechoyjusticia@uc3m.es.
Prior to the session, a paper will be distributed to attendees for discussion.