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76 TDJ: «The humanitarian model of searching for missing persons adopted in the Peruvian post-conflict: reflections in a comparative key»

On Thursday, June 17 (2021), Agata Serranò (Investigadora García Pelayo en el Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales) will present the paper The humanitarian model of searching for missing persons adopted in the Peruvian post-conflict: reflections in a comparative key for further discussion with attendees.

Key info


Workshop supported by the research project "Consolidación de la memoria democrática en España, derechos de las víctimas y obligaciones de los poderes públicos: un análisis desde el Derecho internacional, comparado e interno" (financiado por el Ministerio de la Presidencia, Relaciones con las Cortes y Memoria Democrática).

About the Law & Justice Workshop (TDJ)

The TDJ is a space for discussion on issues of legal and political philosophy where young researchers participate with the aim of sharing their doctoral and postdoctoral research and getting used to the interaction of academic activity.

The invitation to submit works is not limited to members of the community of the University Carlos III of Madrid, but extends to any researcher, regardless of where they came from. Anyone interested in participating and receiving information about the TDJ can join the distribution list by sending an email to

Prior to the session, a paper for discussion will be distributed to attendees.

Organized by David García and Digno Montalván.


